But Billy’s more determined than ever to turn Brownton Abbey into a creepy cult militia compound. “They just wouldn’t give up.” Also sacrificing himself for the good of the family is Bam, who “demanded that he shoulder the burden of the remaining charges.” Billy’s playing the Alaska Oppresses the Bush Lifestyle card, blaming paper trails and bureaucracy for the mistake.

Put me in jail as long as you want,” Billy claims to have told prosecutors. Then he plays up his jail sentence as an act of altruism, sparing the rest of his family from the slammer. “ I’d never cheat Alaska,” Billy says with pants on fire. “The Browns have homesteaded in Alaska for more than 30 years, but now, Alaska was accusing them of living somewhere else,” Our Dear Narrator says through gritted teeth. The show is dealing with it by having Billy play the victim who’s been bullied by the big, bad bureaucratic state of Alaska. We all knew that, but we didn’t know how the show would deal with it. Billy acknowledges that he and Bam are going to jail in the spring over the PFD fraud conviction. The Browns can finally move on!īilly decides it’s time to throw his self-respect into the fire. And what gets burned? A soiled bedsheet and … no, nothing else. Now comes the time for the SYMBOLIC rite of cleansing with fire! The family gets together around a bonfire built by Bear to burn away their old stuff and start over. She got herself some new spectacles! She’s going for the Bush Hipster look. I would totally PhotoShop the Brown family into that painting but blasphemy is something I try to avoid.Ī little time in Seattle did Birdy some good. Indeed, it symbolizes Billy’s Christ-like journey of scammin’ and fraudin’ across the USA. Billy finds a small metal plaque with a replica of da Vinci’s Last Supper. In the main house, Billy, Ami and Birdy are sorting through their garbage, determining what garbage to keep and what garbage to burn. This is not something I made up, nor would ever make up. Noah “Dark Cloud” Brown calls himself a “mechanical physicist,” and I should note that “Dark Cloud” is the nickname spoken by Our Dear Narrator. But under what circumstances would his hut need to self-destruct? And would Matt be inside the hut when the mechanism is triggered? If Alaskan Bush People had a self-destruct mechanism, it got triggered back in Season 1. It shouldn’t surprise you that Matt keeps gasoline and firearms (and a flare?) in his hut. Matt, like his hair, is UNTAMED! Matt claims that his tire house is equipped with a “self-destruct mechanism” consisting of five gallons of gasoline and a 12-gauge pump. There’s a lot of work to be done that Billy will watch others do. The elements have knocked down Matt’s tire hut, drenched Bam’s house with water and infested Noah’s house with a cute, fluffy mold. Nature (or the production crew) has done its best to wipe the stain of Brownton Abbey off the land. But the doctors say that Billy’s seizure disorder is in remission, and now he and his family are returning to Brownton Abbey. The Browns have spent three months in Seattle while Billy gets treatment for Billy Brown Syndrome. They’re going to rebuild their home, but need to take on a risky hauling job to make it happen. In Discovery Channel’s Alaskan Bush People Season 4 premiere episode “The Wolfpack Returns” (May 6), the Browns return to their homestead in Alaska after three months.

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